Features to consider
Extensive Question Bank: Over 1,000+ practice questions covering all areas of the 11+ syllabus, including English, Maths and Reasoning.
Realistic Mock Exams: Simulate the actual exam experience with timed, full-length mock tests. Analyse your performance with detailed feedback point with pointers and personalised reports.
Performance Tracker: Monitor your progress and stay motivated with personalised dashboards and progress reports.
Dedicated Support: Ask questions, receive feedback, and get real-time support from our team of friendly experts.
Tailored Test Series to Master the Grammar 11+
Full Package: Access everything you need to excel in all subjects with our complete test series bundle.
Individual Subject Packages: Focus on specific areas for targeted practice in English, Maths.
Mock Exam Packages: Focus on realistic simulations with varied number of tests to cater to different needs and budgets..
Focused Study Groups
Expert Teachers and Engaging Educational Games
Our expert teachers and dedicated teachers who focus on personalized learning using specialized content developed for our students. Our interactive platform offers flexible, anytime-anywhere learning with educational games that make studying fun and effective.
As a parent seeking comprehensive support for my child's 11plus exam preparation, I cannot recommend AspirantLeague's test series highly enough. The thoughtfully curated practice tests and insightful performance analytics provided by AspirantLeague have proven instrumental in guiding my child's progress.
Diverse question formats mirror the actual exam, ensuring a well-rounded preparation experience. The detailed feedback on each test has not only boosted my child's confidence but also highlighted specific areas for improvement also with a list of very specific suggestions to improve on thst skills. AspirantLeague's commitment to excellence in 11plus exam preparation makes it an invaluable resource for parents and students alike, offering a reliable pathway to success.
My daughter has recently started mock tests at Aspirants. She was extremely complimentary about how the main members of staff on the day supported her through the process. She felt very comfortable and less nervous during the mock exam. Furthermore, she felt that the exam wasn't too over the top but wasn't too easy either. To make things easier, there was a clock to help with the timing. The staff engaged all children during the break to make sure everyone was OK. At the end there was a treat to look forward to.
The detailed feedback enabled us as a parent to focus on any areas of weakness those could be discussed during face to face meetings arranged by thier staff and provided guidance to overcome those difficulties. We can clearly see the improvement test after tests.